Monday, March 27, 2006

Squirt Squiddles and Diddles

Time to welcome another blogger on board: say hello to Squirt aka Squiddly-Diddly. Squiddly-Diddly? That sounds vaguely obscene and definitely juvenile.

Well, Squirt, you're probably one and may even be the other. (I shall leave it to the reader's critical analysis to decide which is which.) Nevertheless (or maybe because thereof), you're one of my favourite people, so I shall point the world (or at least that small microcosm of intelligent and discerning readers who brave my blog) to your site, which has been featured for a couple of days in my Friends column.

It says a lot for the state of the world as I know it that I found it easier and quicker to pop in an HTML link to your site than I did to take time off and key these words.

However, there's something to be said for not being an early worm, so here's bytes in your blog!


  1. Dear Warble,
    Thank you for that welcome. I am honoured you could take time off your busy schedule and recommend me to your readers (so how many pages of the ET did you have to skip..hehe). So, you think squiddly-diddly is juvenile, huh? It's time for revenge dude..I went back to dear and this is what I unearthed :

    Warble : (n) The act or an instance of singing with trills, runs, or quavers. (or)

    (n) A hard lump of tissue on a riding horse's back caused by rubbing of the saddle...

    We'll ofcourse let the readers decide which description is more of delicious irony..

  2. Hee-hee! That's why I like you, Squirt!

    But you forgot the warble fly. Tsk-tsk.
